Monday, November 8, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

I know it sounds like a cop-out to blame not posting on being busy, but I really have been.  I realize everyone is busy these days, but I just haven't felt like getting online and posting anything when I've had a moment to myself.  

As school started back up this year, I ended up with all 3 of my kids playing football.  There was a lot of shuttling to and from practices and going to games.  It made for a very active couple of months.  To add to the insanity, I had 3 trips to go on for work that each kept me away for a few days at a time.  Everything went well while I was away and my husband kept the house from falling down around us. 

I hadn't thought much about my blog, but now as we are approaching Thanksgiving, I realize I have gotten lazy when it comes to posting about how grateful I am for all of the wonderful people and things in my life. 

While we've been so busy, I have tried to find time to thank my husband who is always there to help keep me sane.  He somehow always manages to keep cool under pressure when I feel like I'm spinning out of control.  Thank God for bringing Aaron to my life to give me balance.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Operation Make Mommy Happy

Okay, so I had a bit of a meltdown Tuesday evening. It was a meltdown I'm sure many mothers before me have had. It included statements/questions such as: "No one around here listens to me," "Why can't you put trash in the trash can," "Do I really have to remind you every day to put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher," and a few others. I ended up in tears. I was feeling overwhelmed with things to do at work and at home and I hit a breaking point.

Fast forward to getting home from work yesterday evening, and I walk in to a nearly spotlessly clean house courtesy of the kids in what Aidan coined "Operation Make Mommy Happy."  Apparently, after I had retreated to bed the night before, my husband had gathered the kids together and had a talk with them about me being stressed and them taking responsibility for their chores without being told repeatedly to do them.

God bless my husband and kids for putting up with me when I get crazy like that.  They are so great for doing what they did and I made sure they know that they always make me happy.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Doubly Blessed

I find myself getting sentimental when I start thinking about my babies turning 13 five days from now.  I can't believe it's true!  As a young, unmarried woman, I obviously wasn't initially thrilled at the idea of being pregnant, and when I found out I was having twins it was more than a little shocking.  But once they were born it didn't take me long to realize that I had been doubly blessed.  They have grown to be smart, funny, thoughtful young men who have given me many happy memories and will undoubtedly supply many more in the coming years.  Happy Birthday (a little early) Brady & Bryant!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mmmm Mango-Rita

Today I am thankful for happy hour with the girls and that tomorrow is Friday.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

If You Can't Stand the Heat, Don't Come to My House

I don't want to be a whiner, but it is REALLY hot outside.  Why today--the hottest day of the summer so far--did my air conditioner have to break?  Is it some cruel cosmic joke?  Of course, I understand there are many, many worse things going on in the world and I am infinitely blessed, but I just hate being hot.  I don't know that I could have survived before air conditioning came along.  I probably would have been one of those women who always got the vapors and needed my fainting couch.

I digress.  I write this post to vent my frustration with companies who choose to be so greedy at the time people are in worst need of their services and to say that I'm thankful that in this instance I wasn't at their mercy. We happen to have a family connection who will be doing the work for us, but he couldn't get to us until tonight. To find out what was wrong and get the parts, we put in a service call with a national chain.  Said chain quoted $1000.  We thanked them kindly for their diagnosis and sent them on their way.  

The parts necessary to complete the repair as they quoted (I won't get into the fact that we probably don't even need everything they quoted) cost a total of $220. Our family connection has told us these types of repairs take 2 hours or less.  Assuming the national chain can get the parts at a similar price, that leaves roughly $800 for the 2 hours of labor--$400/hour!?!  Even if you calculate in the technician's wages (he probably only gets $15/hour), benefits, workers compensation, liability insurance, etc., I can't imagine it would be anywhere close to $400/hour.  Ridiculous!

I feel better to have vented, and I will close by saying that I am SO grateful we weren't at the mercy of this company.  Thank you Josh!

Friday, July 30, 2010


This is my first post testing out my new blog app to see how I like it. So far so good. I'm ready for the weekend. I must say the summer always makes me wonder why I didn't become a teacher or choose some other school related career. I sometimes daydream about sleeping in and having the time off with my kids. Then, of course, I snap back into reality and acknowledge that I'm not all that fond of many other people's children, nor am I patient, so everyone is probably better off that I took a different path.

For those of you who are educators, administrators, or counselors, thank you for all you do. I hope you enjoy the summer with your family.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Loreney Weenie

Behold my amazing crafting abilities!  Disclaimer: A stuffed bunny may have been harmed in order to make my niece's birthday wish come true.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Just Another Day Living in Missouri

I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Delayed Appreciation

As my children get older each year, I must say that I learn to appreciate what I put my mother through while I was growing up.  Currently, I am reminded of my adolescent years as a bit--well, maybe more than a bit--of a know-it-all as I am dealing with my own 12, soon-to-be 13 year-olds.  How frustrating it can be!

This short entry is only to say "thank you" to my mom for persevering in raising me and not giving in to those (mostly) fleeting moments of wanting to strangle me.  And also to voice the hope that I can follow in her example.  God be with me...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Proud Mama

For Mother's Day this year, I received a special gift.  Brady and Bryant were baptized at church.  They were saved back in March, but we wanted to be sure "Pappy" could be home to see them get baptized.  When we picked the day I didn't even realize it was Mother's Day.  But it was a blessing to get to combine the two events.  Nearly my whole extended family attended church--which boosted attendance to near Easter proportions. =)  We then enjoyed our regular Mother's Day meal at my mom's to give Grandma Frances the day off from cooking for us all.

I am thankful to have a family who raised me in church to learn the values by which I do my best to live my life and pass on to my children.  It was truly a wonderful Mother's Day.  I don't think there can be anything more rewarding in your life than seeing your children grow into whatever they will become and know that you had a hand in it.  I hope all of the other mother's out there had as blessed a day as I did.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Neglectful Blogger

I don't really have any excuse for the long gap between postings.  I'm sure I have had a few moments at some time or another that I could have taken to write something, but alas, I didn't.

It has certainly been a busy spring, and I have much to be thankful for.  The transition I've been waiting for at work has finally come to pass.  I am officially the Vice President of Operations here at Trailiner.  It seemed like it would never actually happen, but it has.  I must admit that when I was settling in I felt a bit like I did when I was a little girl playing office, but that feeling didn't last too long.

As we head into the last months of spring, things at home will be getting busier as well.  The kids are starting baseball this weekend, so we'll be going, going, going for the next few months.  With work and kids, I don't know when I'll find time for my next post, but I will shoot for much less than two months.

Friday, February 12, 2010

L. Perry Keithley 1923-2010

Last week my grandpa passed away.  He had lived a long, full life of 86 years and I believe he was ready for his journey on Earth to end.  It was a sad time for our family to lose its respected patriarch, and I felt both guilty and sad that I hadn't spent more time with him in recent years.

Through the sadness, I was able to come away with a sense of how lucky I really am in my life with my family.  At 32 years old, he is the first grandparent I have lost.  The other 3 are still alive and well for my own children to know.  I know everyone is not so blessed to have so much family around them for so long, and I thank God that He has bestowed this blessing upon me and my family.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Family Vacation

Yesterday a photo book I ordered online arrived.  To redeem an offer I received from Shutterfly (, I used photos from our trip to Orlando on Spring Break last year to put together a 20-page, hard cover book.  For someone like me who doesn't enjoy scrapbooking but always feels guilty that I don't do more with our family photos, this is a great option.

Looking at each page, remembering the trip, gave me such pleasure.  I am so thankful that we are able to take our kids on fun vacations that will give them and us memories for the rest of our lives.  Even if you can't afford to make a big trip, take the time to plan something with your children when you can.  Even a day trip with the whole family can be memorable--in a good way, not like the Griswolds...  

Here's looking forward to Myrtle Beach, SC in Summer 2010!!! 

Monday, January 18, 2010

Time Flies When You're Too Busy To Look At the Clock

It has been nearly a month since my last entry. It wasn't for lack of things to be thankful for, rather it was for lack of time to sit down and gather my thoughts coherently.  The holidays are always a busy time when you have multiple people to visit.  But now that it is all over, I can better reflect on the good times that were had.  But often life doesn't wait for calm reflection.  We are into a new year and things are off and running.  There is rarely an evening without a practice, game, or lesson of some sort.  I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that there are times I would just like to "forget" to take them to something, but I don't.

I am grateful that all three of my children enjoy school as well as sports and music and are able to fully participate in anything they want.  None of my wild boys have any health problems or disabilities that limit them--unless you count being occasionally uncoordinated.  How lucky we are!